
Dna sequence
Dna sequence

dna sequence

In the process, the original, functional elements have been conserved on the X chromosome, but the Y chromosome has lost almost all traces of the ancestral autosome, including the genes that were once shared with the X chromosome.

dna sequence

The sex chromosomes have evolved from a pair of autosomes within the last 300 million years (Myr) 1. The unique properties of the X chromosome are a consequence of the evolution of sex chromosomes in mammals. Genes outside these regions of the X chromosome are strictly X-linked, and the vast majority are present in a single copy in the male genome. Genes inside these regions are shared between the sex chromosomes, and their behaviour is therefore described as ‘pseudoautosomal’. The male X chromosome fails to recombine along virtually its entire length during meiosis: instead, recombination is restricted to short regions at the tips of the X chromosome arms that recombine with equivalent segments on the Y chromosome. In the female germ line, the inactive chromosome is reactivated and undergoes meiotic recombination with the second X chromosome. Gene expression on one of the female X chromosomes is silenced early in development by the process of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), and this chromosome remains inactive in somatic tissues thereafter. Females inherit an X chromosome from each parent, but males inherit a single, maternal X chromosome. The X chromosome has many features that are unique in the human genome. Nature volume 434, pages 325–337 ( 2005) Cite this article The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome

Dna sequence